Cretan Barley Rusks

When persistence, love and tradition are combined with the purest ingredients on the island of Crete, then we’re talking about “the Manna” Tsatsaronaki Cretan rusks.
Kneaded using the Tsatsaronaki family’s well preserved recipe, “the Manna” Tsatsaronaki Cretan barley rusks are just as delicious and authentic as they were back in 1948!

The company
With love and perseverance ever since 1948, we have continued to offer Greece and the world “the Manna” Tsatsaronaki Cretan barley rusks. Because we’re not just a company. We’re a family of values that remains faithful to tradition and never sacrifices quality.
This is how we were the first packaged rusk company in the Greek market and it is how we intend to continue: Offering highly nutritional products that provide the ideal basis for proper and balanced nutrition.

“The Manna” Tsatsaronakis products hide a wealth of colours, aromas and the freshness of the treasures of the Cretan land.
Precious and delicious, they have been kneaded using the same secret recipe for decades using the purest ingredients and finest olive oil, the real gold of the Mediterranean land.
Discover a world full of delicious and healthy choices for every moment of the day.